Mapping, Rocks, and Terry Fox


Literacy activities this week included:
making words, OG phonics focus on blends and the phoneme -ng, handwriting (a,d,g,q,c), paragraph writing and illustrating, building reading stamina, and our class read aloud, At School with Humphrey. We completed our Dibels assessment.

We also learned about Terry Fox in preparation for our walk on Friday. Thank you for your support and donations!

We had our first Star Student this week! We loved learning more about our classmate and everyone contributed to a class book for him. We can't wait for next week to celebrate another one of our 3A friends.


We have been practicing basic addition facts and patterning using subtraction. This week we also completed the numeracy part of the SLA.

Science and Social

Ms. Zoerb taught alongside Mrs.Kaluza all week in the afternoons. Mrs.Delbridge, our amazing EA, is also in 3A every afternoon.

In Social we learned about 2 map features: symbols and a map key. Ms. Zoerb read us a book called Mapping Penny's World and then we drew maps of our bedrooms including a map key.

In science, we added a Vocabulary pocket to our lapbook. We are expanding our vocabulary by defining key words related to geology.

We also used many different science tools to test the properties of 2 different rocks.  It was fun to be a scientist! We watched a video called Geology in the Kitchen.


September 30  Orange Shirt Day, wear an orange shirt if you have one!
October 2 Early Dismissal 2:21pm
October 9 Photo retakes
