And that's a wrap, February!


Pink Shirt Day

We read the story of how Pink Shirt Day originated, then worked together to come up with a list of Ways to Be Kind. We all designed a Pink Shirt that we displayed with our ideas. Students completed sentence starters in their journals for writing practice.


We have been working on our reading stamina. We can read for 27 uninterrupted minutes. We are also enjoying listening to our class read-aloud Bat and the Waiting Game. Ask your child what it is about.


Bossy R games: We reviewed what we learned last week about r-controlled vowels and then played a couple games for reading fluency practice. The 5 in a row Shark game and Bossy R Uno were enjoyed by all.

"Food is Good" was our new phonics lesson this week as we learned the 2 sounds oo can make. We completed a word sort and word search to help reinforce this lesson.


We are so excited to only have 2 letters left to learn! We are able to handwrite all lower case letters in the alphabet with the exception of x and z.

Star Student

We celebrated another classmate this week. Sammy shared a neat video about soap-carving. It was fascinating to watch.


Students wrote a quiz to show what they know about subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping. They did great! We are reviewing skip counting and then will dive in to our much awaited multiplication and division units.

We played a new subtraction fact game called Subtraction Crash in groups of 2 or 3. We also played a skip counting game 5 to 100 with the whole class that was a lot of fun while preparing us for the 5 times table.


This week in science we continued working on our building unit by testing pillars. The students had a blast making and testing their pillars.



Social Studies 

We continued learning about Peru, students were shocked to learn they have three official languages in Peru and that many people there celebrate Christmas. The students are putting together a Google Slideshow with the information they are learning about Peru!


Thanks so much to all our volunteers who made this activity possible!
