A Peek at our Week

With the Christmas concert coming soon, it has been so lovely to start our morning with songs. The class has been singing like angels! We can't wait to sing for you on concert night, Dec. 2nd.


We have been working on a special writing project this week. Students are exploring a topic they know quite a bit about: themselves! We started writing an Autobiography that we will work on all year. The first topic was My Family. Students wrote a complete paragraph about their family, edited it on their own and with a peer, and we are currently using our keyboarding skills to type our paragraph into a Google doc. Each topic we write about will also be illustrated.

Daily 5

Here we are engaged in our literacy activities.

Spelling and Phonics

We learned a new rule: s says z between two vowels and at the end of short words.  those, was, surprise

We also continued our spellings of Long O practice. There are several ways to spell long o: o, o consonant e, oa, ow, oe.  We learned a chant (oa says o in the middle, ow says o at the end) to help us remember what spelling use, as well completed word sorts, alphabetizing, draw and write, and a word search.


We completed the Kite String letters and are now on the Loop group. The first letter with a loop we practiced was 'h'.


We are well into our Place Value unit! The class has enjoyed playing Last Number Standing, a game that has players identify place value while trying to stay in the game by not having one of their numbers called.

Students can represent numbers with numerals, words, by their place value, in expanded form, and with base ten blocks. The concepts are reinforced using mathletics online. We have also completed our Basic Facts Addition practice and will now be working on Basic Facts subtraction over the next 6 weeks.

Students created these Place Value Creatures. Aren't they fun!


We learned about how we make sounds and ways we can change the sounds we make. We tested hearing through a door and how that changes using a cup! We also learned about sound waves and saw sound waves from different sounds.


We have been learning about different services that are not as easy to get in some parts of India like clean running water or electricity.  We talked about the type of government they have in India as well as, began learning about the environment they have in different parts of India!
